Facebook Email Lookup 2.0

I finally got some time to upgrade the facebook email lookup bot that i had on here quite a while ago.

New version has the following features:


Full proxy support including proxy binding to accounts.

Example would be username:_password:_proxyip:_proxyport

or for a private proxy username:_password:_proxyuser:_proxypassword@proxy ip:_proxyport

(ignore the _ underscores its just so the smiley faces dont show on here)

It extracts:
Firstname,Lastname,Profile URL,Location(If public),Sex(If public)

I recommend keeping the delay between lookups atleast 6000 milliseconds.
If you go quicker it will start returning as no result for all searches.

Download: http://ul.to/0ldtvi

Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/rawatseo