Here is a shot video clip of a couple in Malaysia having sex in a not so private place. Or it is better I say, here is a video clip of a couple in Malaysia getting caught having sex in a public place. Either way, pubic sex is awesome except in this case.
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This is what you would call "getting caught red handed with your pants down" but you have to feel a bit sorry for these two. Sex in public is fun because of the risk of getting caught however it sure sucks when you do get caught. And in the age of the Internet and camera phones, getting caught on video having sex in a Malaysian university or technical school building is like getting caught having sex in Time Square by CNN. Someone who will remain anonymous sent the video to with a full description, here is the email:
Damn, it's tough to find a place at some of these engineering schools to have sex without some dude with a camera phone recording the action. It seems they were having sex in a hallway to a staircase or an indoor balcony. The video is short as hell but you will get the point. Public sex is fun but sometimes you get caught and if you are really unlucky, you get caught on video in what is essentially a Muslim country. Anyway, the look on the faces of this coupe is priceless but I was left wanting to see more of the Indian chick. Anyone has a longer version? Click on pictures to enlarge.
Hey guys...a friend of mine bluetoothed me this video...its a video of an indian couple in m'sia who was caught red handed shagging each other...please keep my email anonymous...if my sources are right...i think this couple are from an Engineering School called GMI based in Klang...tats all =)
Damn, it's tough to find a place at some of these engineering schools to have sex without some dude with a camera phone recording the action. It seems they were having sex in a hallway to a staircase or an indoor balcony. The video is short as hell but you will get the point. Public sex is fun but sometimes you get caught and if you are really unlucky, you get caught on video in what is essentially a Muslim country. Anyway, the look on the faces of this coupe is priceless but I was left wanting to see more of the Indian chick. Anyone has a longer version? Click on pictures to enlarge.

Indian Couple Caught Red Handed Having Public Sex In Malaysia
Format: WMV - File Size: 5.21 MB - Runtime: 0:30 minutes
Send more photos or videos to of scandalous behavior. Send real and uncensored pictures or videos of celebrities or politicians or person of note or any public figure to: Please include the person's full name and a short back story. Looking for more contributions from Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Russia, Indonesia and India. But contributions from ALL countries are welcome!
Thanks to an anonymous contributor.