21 Most Useful Time Saving WordPress Shortcuts

Sometimes writing a blog post can be a long process. To help you save some time in writing your blog posts in WordPress, we have decided to share with you 21 most useful time saving WordPress shortcuts. If you know any more then feel free to suggest them in the comment and we will add it in the list.
  1. Bold: Alt+SHIFT+b
  2. Italics: Alt+SHIFT+i
  3. Link: Alt+SHIFT+a
  4. Blockquote: Alt+SHIFT+q
  5. Code: Alt+SHIFT+c
  6. Read More: Alt+SHIFT+t
  7. Unordered List (ul): Alt+SHIFT+u
  8. Ordered List (ol): Alt+SHIFT+o
  9. List Item (li): Alt+SHIFT+l
  10. Advanced Editor: Alt+SHIFT+v
  11. Publish the Post: Alt+SHIFT+p
  12. ins: Alt+SHIFT+s
  13. del: Alt+SHIFT+d
  14. Unquote/outdent: Alt+SHIFT+w
  15. Undo: Alt+SHIFT+u
  16. Redo: Alt+SHIFT+y
  17. Edit HTML: Alt+SHIFT+e
  18. Align Left: Alt+SHIFT+f
  19. Align Center: Alt+SHIFT+c
  20. Align Right: Alt+SHIFT+r
  21. Ctrl+[number] to get various header sizes on highlighted text.
Use them and you will save a lot of time when writing posts. Save this list to your delicious and share it with your friends.
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