The Police Report From Those Leaked Topless Photos Of The Singaporean Republic Polytechnic Student In Public Garden


Okay, I know many regular visitors to Gutter Uncensored love this stuff so here ya go. The Gutter Uncensored blog got the number one spot in the police report followed by five other websites. I think this is our first appearance in a police report for 2010, hoping for a lot more. LOL... About a day and a half ago an email was received at demanding the removal of some nudie pics that the news of were all over the Singaporean media a few weeks ago. Also demanded was an apology to the persons featured in the nudie photos. So in response to these demands, the first names of those exposed in the leaked nude pictures are posted for the first time on the Gutter Uncensored. I graciously decided not to publish the names in the original post but I don't feel right holding back from the readers of this blog. Stay tuned, surnames might be coming soon. Here is the first email:

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Mohammad Said Rahim wrote:

From: Mohammad Said Rahim
Subject: Fwd: Pls take action to remove the below said blogpost or legal action will be taken against you
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 5:39 AM



The above blog is posting pictures that was kept in a password-protected private domain not meant for public viewing. We hereby formally request for you to comply to remove the above stated post.

This matter has been reported to the Singapore Police Force at Pasir Ris NPP on 11 February 2010. The matter is being investigated for suspected offences under the Computer Misuse Act (pls see

Pls contact the SPF, namely IO Ahmad Luthfi bin Zainuddin at +65-62440000 for further clarification.

If this blog post is not deleted within the next 3 working days, we will be compelled to take legal action against your site for damages due to defamation and breach of privacy.

In addition to the removal of the abovesaid blogpost we require that the blogger concerned, issue an apology to the persons featured in the photos for unauthorised reproduction on your sponsored blogsite.

Looking forward to your expeditious response.


Mohammad Said Bin Rahim
+65 94799902

cc - CO Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre, Singapore Police Force, DSP Jarrod James NAIR - for your information and necessary action, please.

An apology? LOL... You can't make this shit up even if you tried. Like the Gutter Uncensored made these two love birds pose for topless pictures in a national Singaporean park. Anyhow, the Gutter Uncensored is not based in Singapore and the site is not involved in any hacking in Singapore or elsewhere so doubtfully the "Computer Misuse Act" of Singapore applies here. But me being the great journalist that I am decided to go on a fishing (not to be confused with phishing) expedition with this Mohammad Said Rahim character for more info to post so I sent him the following email:

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 7:47 PM, GutterUncensored GutterUncensored wrote:

Mohammad Said Rahim,

Send a copy of the police report via email to if what you say is truthful. All form numbers and filling numbers must be visible on the report along with the content of the report itself.

Thank you.

And within no time Mohammad Said Rahim send me what I wanted. Yup, we got the police report and another testy email. Here is the second email.

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Mohammad Said Rahim

From: Mohammad Said Rahim
Subject: Re: Fwd: Pls take action to remove the belowsaid blogpost or legal action will be taken against you
To: "GutterUncensored GutterUncensored"
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 7:55 AM

To Whom it May Concern,

Further to my email and in response to your request for verification, I have attached the police report concerned. The personal details have been omitted to protect the privacy of the informant.

I believe the attached report is suffice to compel you to remove, WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT, the blogpost in question:

In addition to the removal, we will require you to issue a sincere and unreserved apology to the persons involved.

Since you have reproduced the pictures in it's full, uncensored form, you are unquestionably and heavily responsible for the humiliation and unimaginable emotional duress suffered by the victims of this irresponsible and criminal act.

Your expedient compliance and action, though appreciated, can never in any way atone for what has been done.


Mohammad Said Rahim

cc - CO Pasir Ris Neighbourhood Police Centre, Singapore Police Force, DSP Jarrod James NAIR - pls be advised that a copy of the police report (see attached) has been forwarded to the addressee,

See the police report below. According to the police report filed by the female half of the exhibitionist couple, only two people had the password to the "password-protected private domain." Only her and her boyfriend knew so with the process of elimination it should be easy for her to figure out how her boobies ended up on several web forums and in the hands of her classmate days before they were posted on this blog. Face the facts, the likelihood the pictures were leaked as a result of an account being hacked is low. Two people had access to the account so either her or her bf (probably ex-bf by now) shared the collage pictures with one too many friends then they shared it with their friends via email and then someone posted it to a forum. It's the same old story that has happened a million times before and certainly will happen ten million times in the future.

Needless to say, all the people who sent in the pictures will remain confidential and the topless photos of the Republic Polytechnic student class: E36F will not be removed. Anyway, her name is Sharmalis and his name is Nabil but surnames will remain undisclosed for now. The pictures were apparently taken at Admiralty Park national park in Woodlands. A beautiful garden in Singapore with naked chicks showing off their private bits in public. You would think such behavior in public would be illegal in straight-laced Singapore. As a matter of fact, this sort of behavior is against the law in the city-state and each face a fine of up to $2,000 (Singapore dollars) and a jail term of up to three months. Singapore's Miscellaneous Offenses Act stipulates that an offender can be fined a maximum $2,000, or jailed 3 months, or both for appearing nude in a public place. And it's not like the Singaporean police don't have the names and address of the culprits and photographic evidence in the form of 40 nudie pictures readily available on the Gutter Uncensored.

By the way, drop a line if you have anymore interesting info about these two exhibitionist law breakers to ASAP. And if you have more pictures of this chick or video of her beautiful tits, please free feel to share anonymously with the concern citizens of Singapore by sending them to Gutter Uncensored. We cannot allow such criminal behavior to go unpunished and the people of Singapore must call for the police to take action against such rude behavior in public parks where anyone could be exposed to Sharmalis' yummy looking boobs. Think of the kids for goodness sake. Just stop for a minute and think about the innocent kids visiting public spaces such as parks and gardens with all this nudity about. Think about the kids for goodness. Have fun reading the police report, I know I did. A few other website and blogs that are based in Singapore are mention so those webmasters better watch out. But Gutter Uncensored is still number one both figuratively and literally as the police report prove. Click on pictures to enlarge.


Send more photos or videos to of scandalous behavior. Send real and uncensored pictures or videos of celebrities or politicians or person of note or any public figure to: Please include the person's full name and a short back story. Looking for more contributions from Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, Russia, Indonesia and India. But contributions from ALL countries are welcome!
