
If you didn't think that the John Edwards affair scandal could get any sleazier, you would be wrong because Gawker is reporting that a sex tape exists and it features a part of Edwards that is apparently larger than his brain. Former North Carolina U.S. Senator, Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2004 and candidate for Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, John Edwards, reportedly has a sex tape with his mistress Rielle Hunter, the mother of his bastard child. The two made the sex tape that was later found by Andrew Young, one-time Edwards aide and author of The Politician, a new book whose released forced Edwards to admit his paternity of Hunter's 2-year-old daughter last week. Given that Rielle was his videographer and she was handy with those videocameras, it shouldn't be a huge surprise that she might have left one running while she and John Edwards got it on. Gawker report:
Sources have told us that, in the throes of their affair, John Edwards and Rielle Hunter made a sex tape that contains "several sex acts." And that his aide, Andrew Young found it on an unmarked DVD. The tape, say both our sources, is explicit and reveals that Edwards "is physically very striking, in a certain area. Everyone who sees it says 'whoa'. She's behind the camera at first."
When rumors of the affair first broke Young was so loyal to Edwards that he pretended that he was the father of Hunter's daughter Frances Quinn, now 2. But part of Young's disillusionment with the 2004 vice presidential candidate and 2008 candidate came one day as he went through a stack of DVDs at Rielle Hunter's house. It was this betrayal that prompted Young to write his tell-all book, The Politician, out February 2.
It's expected that he'll reveal further details in that story, and in the 20/20 interview to promote it, to air on Friday. "It [the tape] was kind of the last straw for people who had sacrificed savings and jobs to lie for John," said one of our sources. "You should expect to see plenty more stories about him coming out of the woodwork when more people realize how... complicated... his motivations were."
Up until he discovered the DVD, says one of our sources, Young's devotion was typical of the "cultish" fervor Edwards brought out in his staffers. This is why, says our source, who is close to Hunter, major media organizations could not stand up the affair story despite well-intentioned efforts. "They [staffers] would do anything to stop it coming out — they lied, they bullied, they called reporters' editors and bad-mouthed them, they exchanged access."
LOL, failed presidential candidate John Edwards is well-endowed but Bill Clinton only has a 5 inch penis. So, now we know big dicks get guys everything they want, right? LOL... God work in mysterious ways. Poor Bill... I kinda doubt the sex tape rumor only because we haven't seen it yet, but time will tell. Mark February 2 on your calender and lets see what happen when the book is leased. Someone will likely shell out some big briefcases full of cash to get their hands on it, either Edwards himself or some newspaper. One thing is for sure, John Edwards is a pathetically self absorbed moron who has no concern for anyone but himself. John Edwards based his ill-fated presidential campaign on a pledge to wage class war against the wealthy in favor of everybody else in what he called the "two Americas" rich and poor. While he was busy creating two Americas of his own with his rich family in his mansion and his poor family he meets at hotels.
A federal grand jury is investigating whether Edwards misused campaign funds in his bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination as hush money for Hunter, with whom he struck up an affair. Hunter was paid over $100,000 by the Edwards campaign in 2006 to produce a series of videos as the campaign videographer but those videos were never used. So Edwards has something more important to worry about than a sex video. Screw the sex tape, Edwards is potentially facing serious jail time. Click on pictures to enlarge.

A then Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama and former U.S. Senator John Edwards shake hands during a rally at the Van Andel Arena on May 14, 2008 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Edwards announced his endorsement of Obama after Sen. Hillary Clinton won the West Virginia primary. A few months early Edwards asked Obama for the Vice President spot on the ticket but was turned down:

The wife with cancer:

The mistress waiting for the wife with cancer to die:

The rich family:

The poor family:

Johnny Reid "John" Edwards (born June 10, 1953 in Seneca, South Carolina, U.S.A.) is an American politician who served as a U.S. Senator from North Carolina. He was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 2004, and was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and 2008.
He defeated incumbent Republican Lauch Faircloth in North Carolina's 1998 Senate election. Towards the end of his single six-year term, he sought the Democratic presidential nomination in the 2004 presidential election. He eventually became the 2004 Democratic candidate for vice-president, the running mate of presidential nominee Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.
After Edwards and Kerry lost the election to President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, Edwards began working full-time at the One America Committee, a political action committee he established in 2001, and was appointed director of the Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law. He was also a consultant for Fortress Investment Group LLC.