Nude photos of popular Indonesian reality dating show Take Me Out winner, Ayu Oktasari, in a X-rated photoshoot were leaked. Over the last few day, the alleged nude photos of Indonesian model Ayu Oktasari have been circulated widely over the Internet. The 27-year-old claim that the nude pictures being circulated on the Internet are fake and she has never taken nude photos. However, these pictures did spoil her marriage plans. So her fiance seem to believe it is in fact her in the scandalous pictures and he is not happy. Her engagement ceremony to the TV star Egy Yunus has been indefinitely postponed. Here is Ayu Oktasari's Facebook page" and Egy Yunus' Facebook page is: and interesting enough, he still has his Relationship Status as "In a Relationship with Ayu Oktasari." The police are investigating the case and I doubt they would be doing an official investigation if the photos were fake. The police are investigating to find the source of the leak. However she claimed that the photos are fake like all the celebs in Indonesia have done when its actually and obviously legit.
Unlike in the West, in the East nude leak pictures can end the career of celebrities. And because of these pics, her planned marriage is currently on the edge of the cliff not only her career. Can you blame Egy for walking away? What would you do if find your fiance suddenly have nude modeling photos being leak all over and spread, especially in a predominant Muslim country like Indonesia? Good luck to her but things don't look like she is being truthful. But you really cannot blame her for lying, her life has been turn upside down by her youthful indiscretion. Check her profile for Take Me Out Indonesia season 1 here According to her profile, she is Muslim so it is obvious why she must claim it is not her in the leaked pictures. Nude pictures and Islam just don't mix. And even more obvious, this is why you don't blindly set an engagement to marry a chick you met on a reality television show when you don't know shit about her past. And I think she might be lying about her age as well because she look like she is in her late 30's and not 27-year-old. The Jakarta Globe report:
The wedding plans of the winning couple from the wildly popular television program “Take Me Out Indonesia” might be put on hold after nude and scantily clad pictures of a woman resembling Ayu Oktasari appeared on the Internet.
Ayu, 27, and Egy, 33, also known as Yunus, met on the reality dating show in June 2009. In December, they were crowned as the best couple of Season One and were given Rp 100 million ($10,800) in prize money.
Ayu and Egy said that they planned to take their six-month relationship to a new level by getting engaged. Their wedding was planned for mid-2010.
Ayu has denied that the explicit photographs are of her, but said on Wednesday that the couple’s engagement was now in limbo.
“The engagement will probably be delayed but it’s because Egy’s mother is in hospital,” Ayu told
“Those are not photos of me. I’m sure they are the work of mean people who are jealous of me. That’s why they manipulated my pictures,” she said.
Ayu, who has worked as a model since she was 19, said that even though she could not remember all the photographs she had appeared in during her career, she had never been in a nude photo shoot.
She said her most daring photo shoot ever was for men’s magazine FHM and a calendar, where she posed in a bikini.
She said she had explained the situation to her family and her boyfriend.
“I hope Egy and his family will understand,” she said.
Ayu admitted she was depressed, but said she felt strong because her boyfriend supported her.
However, Egy told the media that he was very disappointed upon learning of the nude pictures.
He said he was shaken, especially since the pictures appeared just as he was about to get engaged. He admitted that he might have a change of heart about their relationship as a result of the scandal.
“I was shocked when my friends told me about Ayu’s pictures. I haven’t seen them, I don’t want to see them. I am so embarrassed,” Egy said.
“Ayu said they are not pictures of her, but I don’t know her past and what she did in the past,” he said.
Egy also said he was now not sure about their engagement plans.
“I don’t know, I’m confused. My feelings could change and I think it’s normal because I’m not an angel. I think I will consult with my family first because if something starts in a bad way then it will probably end in a bad way as well,” Egy said.
Egy says he haven’t seen them but you know he has but don't want the reporters to ask if he can confirm or deny it's Ayu in them. He admitted that he might have a change of heart about the future of their relationship after the scandal. So what does that tell you? Doesn't sound very supportive to me. According to Ayu, she had tried to clarify the rumor by appearing on entertainment news television programs and by having a live interview on KIS FM radio." But she probably want to focus on clarifying the situation with her fiance first. "Ayu said they are not her pictures, but I don’t know her past and what she did in the past,” said Egy. And here is the collection of nude photos of Ayu Oktasari. If he has seen her naked before, he should be able to compare from memory these pictures of his fiance's breast and pussy. Click on pictures to enlarge.

And here she is when not naked for comparison purposes:

Ayu Oktasari (born July 16, 1983 in Jakarta, Indonesia) is an Indonesian model, singer and actress.