Here is Christina Aguilera showing off her cameltoe while shooting a movie called "Burlesque" in Los Angeles yesterday. It would be an epic under statement to say Christina Aguilera has a slit that stretches for miles. You can see that thing from the moon. LOL... I don't know how hot it was when these pictures were taken but her camel-toe does look moist and ready to take in a big one. Well okay, I am not sure if it is moist or not, but it Christina's camel toe sure is massive. In some of these pictures she looks like she just arrived in town looking to hit it big. I have seen this film in the making a million times before, it is the classic streetwalker/pornstar story in Hollywood. The cameltoe angle is new though, it seem to be a major theme. The best part, is that her pants are so tight that it looks like her vagina is trying to eat them for lunch and there is no stopping it. Anyway, it seems that Miss Aguilera has whipped herself back into shape. Bravo! Click on pictures to enlarge.


Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980 in Staten Island, New York City, New York, United States) is an American pop singer and songwriter. She was signed to RCA Records after recording "Reflection" for the film Mulan. She came to prominence following her debut album Christina Aguilera (1999), which was a commercial success. A Latin pop album, Mi Reflejo, and several collaborations followed which garnered Aguilera worldwide success, but she was displeased with the lack of input in her music and image.