Well, I guess 2010 is picking up right where 2009 left off on the dead celebrities front. Tila Tequila's fiancee and heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune Casey Johnson was found dead yesterday morning at the age of 30 in Los Angeles without a doubt as a result of a drug overdose. I wonder what are the chances Tila supplied her with the drugs. Hopefully she didn't stupidly give Casey tainted drugs and it was just an overdose. Casey's name was recently all over the internet for because she was arrested for allegedly stealing a bunch of her ex-girlfriend/model Jasmine Lennard items including $22,000 worth of jewelry. And she was also working on getting custody of her adopted daughter, Ava, back from her parents. Johnson's parents recently cut off her trust fund after she refused to get help for her drug abuse. On December 9, Johnson and Tila Tequila announced they were engaged. TMZ spoke to the reality star Monday evening, who said Johnson stayed at her house on December 28 after the pair had an argument. Tila has been unable to contact Casey since. According to TMZ:
Johnson was reportedly engaged to Tila Tequila. We spoke with Tila a few minutes ago. She says they were fighting last week and that Casey stayed at Tila's house on the 28th. Tila tried contacting Casey on the 29th because Casey had left her dogs behind. Tila says Casey's phone has been shut off since the 29th and she was not able to make contact.
Johnson -- who tweeted frequently -- last tweeted on December 29 at 1:13 AM.
I am not going to point any fingers here because we all know Tila Tequila definitely did it. Whether Casey used pills to commit suicide because if the fight she was having with Tila or an "innocent" drug overdose to forget about Tila or Tila spiking Casey's drugs we all know Tila is responsibly. It must have been an accident because they were not married yet so Tila wound not kill her because she couldn't get the money yet. But one way or another something tell me Tila is responsibly. The good news in all this is the fact that there is no way Tila is going to get her hands on the Johnson & Johnson fortune now. I am not going to lie but I was really worried about Tila getting her hands on all that money. So, of course Tila must really down on herself after losing her latest meal ticket. Tila tweeted the following: "Everyone please pray 4 my Wifey Casey Johnson. She has passed away. Thank u for all ur love and support but I will be offline to be w family."
And despite tweeting she was going to be "offline w family" to mourn the death of Casey, Tila could not help her self because her attention whore gene kicked in and she decided to milk this thing for all it's worth by firing off a volley of tweets while simultaneously asking for "pricacy" like a true attention whore in the face of tragedy:
I just got news that my fiance is not dead but currently in a coma!!! Omg please pray that she will make it! Hang in there my love please!!!Contrary to Tila's tweets, reports from the LAPD say that Casey was pronounced dead at the scene, "It appears to be a natural death. There's no evidence of foul play. A toxicology report from the coroner's office will proceed next." BTW, for those of you wondering who would actually pretend their overdosed fiancee is still alive just to get their face in People magazine, you must not know Tila Tequila very well. At this point, I will genuinely be disappointed if she doesn't do a drunken strip tease on Casey's coffin during the funeral. Mostly because I like consistency so much. Speaking of the funeral, what are the chances the Johnson family even allow her to attend? Anyway, Johnson adopted a three-year old girl, Ava, from Kazakhstan in 2007 so our thoughts to her daughter. Click on pictures to enlarge!
I know u can feel me Casey! Dot let go! I'm almost home baby please hang on! We have a beautiful life planned out for us! I LOVE u! Hang on!
I'm still in shock! Once again thank U for the outpour of love and support. I just wish to have some privacy at this heartbreaking time.
# R.I.P my Angel. @caseyjonsonJnJ u will forever be in my heart! I love u so so much and we will Marry when I see U in Heaven my Wifey

Casey Johnson (September 24, 1979 – January 4, 2010) was an American socialite. She was also one of the great-great-granddaughters of Robert Wood Johnson I, co-founder of Johnson & Johnson.