Yes, another week and yet another sex scandal at ESPN. What is going on at ESPN? Something must be in the water over there. ESPN baseball analyst Steve Phillips has been taken off the air in the wake of a sex scandal involving him and a fellow employee at the cable sports giant. And after ESPN baseball front man Steve Phillips dumped his portly, production-assistant lover, the jilted woman posted a Craigslist ad offering $50 for someone to call Phillips' wife and cruelly taunt her and then things got really weird. The movie Fatal Attraction comes to real life in the Steve Phillips-Brooke Hundley office love affair … What was Steve Phillips thinking? Not only did Steve Phillips probably ruin his sports career with ESPN and elsewhere more importantly, he also ruined his marriage as his wife Marni Phillips has filed for divorce (divorce complaint). All over a three night stand. Guys might want to read this full story before ever thinking about cheating on your wife. It would appear that Steve Phillips never saw the movie Fatal Attraction.
Steve Phillips, left, Brooke Hundley, right
First it was Letterman, now 46 year old Steve Phillips, ESPN baseball analyst and former GM of the NY Mets, has been implicated in a sex scandal with his 22 year old production assistant Brooke Hundley. The affair came to light as the jilted lover cyberstalked Phillips son. It’s bad enough that Steve Phillips had to have an affair, but to put his wife and family in harms way. He should be ashamed. All one has to do is listen to the 911 call below to hear the fear in Marni Phillps voice.
Hundley also contacted their 16-year-old son through the Internet, the report says. She set up a Facebook account using the name of a schoolmate and impersonated another student to reach him via AOL Instant Messenger.
“She asked specific inappropriate questions about my parents such as: ‘Do they sleep in the same bed?’” the son told cops. “‘Do you think they will be getting a divorce?’”
Then placed a crazy and very inappropriate letter to Phillips wife at her home.
The infidelity came to light after three-night-stand Brooke Hundley cyberstalked his teenage son and left a tawdry letter at his Connecticut home.
In a police report, Steve Phillips said he feared Hundley, a low-level ESPN employee, might harm his family.
“This woman has clearly displayed erratic behavior and delusional tendencies,” he told Wilton, Conn., cops Aug. 21.
“Despite the fact that she has been spoken to by a police detective, I have extreme concerns about the health and safety of my wife, my kids and myself,” he said.
The Letter: (Full letter can be read HERE)
“Whether he chooses to stay in a loveless marriage for his kids or to move on and be with someone whom he says makes him feel better than he’s ever felt, it’s up to him,” Hundley wrote, noting thatSteve Phillips has birthmarks on his crotch and thigh. “But at least everything’s now out in the open.”
Here is a breakdown of the crazy mess that Brooke wrote to Marni:
- The first time Brooke sexed Steve in a hotel, she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant cause he had a vasectomy.
- She's in constant contact via text and hotel phone calls with Marni's husband.
- Steve and Brooke do a lot of sexting, and she's saved the messages as proof.
- According to Brooke, their bond is also heavily about "friendship."
- She calls Steve's third and fourth sons "a band-aid" and what's "holding [Steve] in the marriage."
- Steve enjoys being with her cause she has "a passion and drive to really do something" with her life - Like steal someone else's husband!
Marni Phillips said in a frantic 911 call (listen to 911 call here): “I have a crazy woman who is involved with my husband and she’s come to my house to harm me and my children.” Please hurry and catch her - she’s crazy.”
What makes Steve Phillips so different than Harold Reynolds? Reynolds was fired from ESPN and Phillips was given only a week off the air. Come on people, everyone knows what is going on at ESPN. Disney subsidiary ABC owns ESPN, I thought Disney was all about family. What kind of family are they running. Steve Phillips has taken a leave of absence from ESPN in the wake of this sex scandal.
“I am deeply sorry that I have put my family and colleagues through this. It is a personal matter that I will not comment on further,” Phillips, 46, said in a statement Wednesday.
He said he asked ESPN for a leave “to address this with my family and to avoid any unnecessary distractions through the balance of the baseball playoffs.”
ESPN, which had suspended Phillips after learning of the affair, said it granted his request and had no further comment.
He also admitted a 1998 affair while with the Mets, and a sexual harassment case was settled out of court after that infidelity. The former GM admitted to sleeping with a female team employee, Rosa Rodriguez, in 1998.
Steve Phillips says he met Hundley in July while both were working a major league game in St. Louis. He told police that "Over a three-week span, I had a total of three sexual encounters with her. Those were the only times I spent any time alone with her."After he broke things off, Phillips says Hundley started calling and texting his wife. He and Marni Phillips are going through divorce proceedings. Police say Brooke Hundley began calling Phillips' wife, Marni, on Aug. 5 after he broke off the affair and sent her a letter graphically describing their relationship and Phillips' birthmarks. She allegedly told Phillips' wife that "we both can't have him," according to a Wilton, Conn., police report. I say at least his wife is smart enough to divorce his ass but I am not sure why he was suspended though unless it happened during working hours! LOL...
And the infamous letter:
Damn, the letter that girl sent to the wife was damn crazy. I am sure that young pussy wasn't worth the hell he is going through now. Old dudes like Phillips love the 20 somethings... but they don't realize those girls are all messed up as fuck, this one was probably looking for someone to take care of her. Stupidity on both sides.