Here is Mena Suvari in a bikini hosting Absolut Saturday at AZURE in Las Vegas over the weekend. Mena Suvari played the super hot chick that drove an old dude crazy in American Beauty but I didn't understand that because she is not hot. In these bikini pictures she look like an East German female athlete from the early 80's on triple dose of steroid. And what is up with the tattoo in between Mena Suvari's chest? I will never understand why chicks put tats anywhere near their boobs. Hey ladies, tits don't need decorative art work! Is that supposed to be cool or is it an attempt to mask her non-existent cleavage? Sorry, but I cannot get past that god awful tattoo right in the middle of her chest where her cleavage would be if she had tits to begin with. I guess it does distract from her buttaface but she does need to cut back on the roids. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Mena Adrienne Suvari (born February 13, 1979 in Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A.) is an American actress, model, fashion designer and spokeswoman. She is perhaps best known for her work in American Beauty (1999) and the first two American Pie films.